Cov khoom lag luam

  • Compound Glutaraldehyde Solution

    Cov tshuaj Glutaraldehyde Kov

    Cov Txheej Txheem Glutaraldehyde thiab Deciquan Sau Sau: Ib ml muaj: Glutaraldehyde 50mg Deciquan daws 50mg tsos: tsis muaj xim lossis tsaus muag daj ntshiab ua kua Indication: Qhov no yog tshuaj tua kab mob thiab siv tshuaj tua kab mob. Siv rau kev siv tshuaj tua kab mob ntawm tes. Pharmacological Action: Glutaraldehyde yog qhov dav-pom, muaj txiaj ntsig zoo thiab tua kab mob sai sai. Nrog rau qhov zoo ntawm imitative thiab tsawg corrosive, tsis tshua muaj tshuaj lom thiab muaj kev nyab xeeb, kev ruaj khov ntawm cov tshuaj aqueous, nws paub yog qhov zoo tagnrho kom tsis muaj menyuam ...
  • Multivitamin Tablet

    Multivitamin Ntsiav tshuaj

    Multivitamin ntsiav tshuaj COMPOSITION: Vitamin A 64 000 IU Vitamin D3 64 IL Vitamin E 144 IU Vitamin B1 5.6 mg Vitamin K3 4 mg V itamin C 72 mg Folic Acid 4 mg Biotin 75 ug Cholin Chloride 150 mg Selenium 0.2 mg Fer 80 mg Tooj Liab 2 mg Zinc 24 mg Manganese 8 mg Calcium 9% Phosphorus 7% Cov neeg txhawb nqa qs INDICATIONS: Txhim kho kev ua tau zoo ntawm kev loj hlob thiab lub cev muaj zog. Hauv qhov xwm txheej ...
  • Oxytetracycline Tablet 100mg

    Oxytetracycline ntsiav tshuaj 100mg

    Oxytetracycline ntsiav tshuaj 100mg Txheej Txheem: Txhua lub ntsiav tshuaj muaj: Oxytetracycline hydrochloride 100mg Cov Kev Ntsuas: Cov bolus no tau pom zoo rau kev tswj hwm qhov ncauj rau kev tswj hwm thiab kev kho mob ntawm cov kab mob hauv qab no hauv nqaij nyug thiab mis nyuj ua rau muaj mob los ntawm oxytetracycline: cov kab mob tua kab mob los ntawm Salmonella typhimurium thiab Escherichia coli (colibacillosis) thiab kab mob ntsws dej (kev xa khoom hauv lub cev ua kom mob siab, pasteurellosis) los ntawm Pasteurella multocida. Rau siv nyob rau hauv ...
  • Tricabendazole Tablets

    Tricabendazole Ntsiav Tshuaj

    Tricabendazole Ntsiav Tshuaj 900mg Tshuaj Kho Mob: Triclabendazole yog cov kua dej ua kom zoo rau kev kho thiab tswj tus mob huam sai thiab mob ntev hauv cov nyuj. Nws qhov txiaj ntsig zoo tshaj yog qhov qhia tau los ntawm nws txoj kev ua kom tuag thaum ntxov, tsis paub tab thiab tus laus theem ntawm fasciola hepatica thiab Fgigantica. Muab thiab Siv: Ib yam li lwm cov tshuaj tiv thaiv kab mob ib leeg tau siv tau ib zaug OS los ntawm kev siv phom lossis xuas phom sib xyaw nrog dej thiab kom yaj. Cov tshuaj kom noj yog 12 ...
  • Amoxicillin trihydrate +Colistin sulfate Injection

    Amoxicillin trihydrate + Colistin sulfate Txhaj Tshuaj

    AMOXICILLIN TRIHYDRATE 15% + GENTAMYCIN SULFATE 4% TSHUAJ RAU KEV TXHAJ TSHUAJ TIV THAIV KAB MOB TXHUA YAM: Amoxicillin trihydrate 150 mg. Gentamycin sulfate 40 mg. Cov neeg zam tshaj 1 ml. INDICATION: Nyuj: muaj kab mob plab, ua pa thiab mob kis los ntawm cov kab mob nkag rau kev sib xyaw ntawm amoxicillin thiab gentamicin, xws li mob ntsws, raws plab, kab mob enteritis, mastitis, metritis thiab cutaneous abscesses. Swine: Ua pa thiab lub plab zom mov tshwm sim los ntawm bacte ...
  • Amoxicillion Sodium for Injection

    Amoxicillion Sodium rau Kev Txhaj Tshuaj

    Amoxicillion Sodium rau Kev Txhaj Tshuaj Tiv Thaiv Cov Tshuaj Ntim: Muaj nrog ib tus lej: Amoxicillin sodium 50mg. Tus neeg nqa khoom ad 1g. Cov lus piav qhia: Amoxicillin yog semisynthetic broad-spectrum penicillin nrog cov kab mob tiv thaiv ob tus kab mob Gram-positive thiab Gram-negative. Cov txiaj ntsig ntawm cov txiaj ntsig suav nrog Campylobacter, Clostridium, E. coli, Erysipelothrix, Haemophilus, Pasteurella, Salmonella, penicillinase-negative Staphtlococcus thiab Streptococcus spp. Cov kab mob actionis vim qhov inhibition ntawm xovtooj ntawm phab ntsa synth ...
  • Compound liquorice Oral Solution

    Cov lus sib tov nrog kua cawv

    Cov tshuaj sib tov nrog cawv (Cov ncauj lus ntawm lub qhov ncauj ua kua) Cov Lus Sau Tseg: Ephedra, Bitter almonds, Gypsum, Licorice. Cov Lus Qhia: Tshem tawm cov kev mob ntsws, tshem tawm cov hnoos qeev thiab txo cov mob hawb pob, thiab nws yog siv rau kub sab hauv, hnoos thiab hawb pob tshwm sim los ntawm cua hlob heev. Nws siv rau kev tiv thaiv thiab kho mob ua pa rau tus kab mob los ntawm tus kab mob kis, piv txwv li kis mob ntsws, ua mob rau lub ntsws thiab mob khaub thuas sib xws. Siv thiab muab tshuaj: 250 ml khoom sib tov nrog 150-250 k ...
  • Astragalus polysaccharoses Injection

    Astragalus polysaccharoses Txhaj Tshuaj

    Cov Cwj Pwm Sib Nqus Astragalus Polysaccharide Txhaj Tshuaj: Cov kua daj ua daj, cov khoom seem tuaj yeem tsim nrog lub sijhawm ntev cia lossis tom qab khov. Cov Lus Sau: Astragalus Polysaccharide Kev Taw Qhia: Cov khoom no tuaj yeem ua rau lub cev tsim interferon, tswj kev ua kom lub cev tiv thaiv kab mob, thiab txhawb kev tsim cov tshuaj tiv thaiv, nws yog siv rau kis kab mob ntawm nqaij qaib xws li tus kab mob kis tau. Kev siv thiab ntau npaum li cas: Rau kev txhaj tshuaj intramuscular lossis subcutaneous. Ib koob tshuaj ib zaug, 2ml ib kg cev w ...
  • Praziquantel Oral Suspension

    Praziquantel Qhov Ncauj Ncua

    Praziquantel Qhov Ncauj Ncua Lub Cheeb Tsam Txheej Txheem: Muaj nyob hauv ib ml: Praziquantel 25mg. Cov kuab tshuaj 1ml. Cov lus piav qhia: Siv tshuaj yaj yeeb los tiv thaiv. Praziquantel muaj qhov dav-spectrum deworming kev ua tau zoo, rhiab rau nematodes, muaj cov nyhuv muaj zog rau nematodes, trematode, tsis muaj txiaj ntsig ntawm schistosome. Praziquantel kev ncua tsis yog tsuas yog muaj lub zog muaj txiaj ntsig rau cov laus cab, tseem muaj cov nyhuv muaj zog rau cov voos kab mob thiab cov cua nab, thiab tuaj yeem tua cov qe cab. Praziquantel muaj tshuaj lom tsawg rau ...
  • Neomycin Sulfate Oral Solution

    Neomycin Sulfate Qhov ncauj tshuaj

    Neomycin Sulfate Oral Saj cov ntsiab lus: suav nrog ib ml: Neomycin Sulfate 200mg Cov kua roj ad 1ml Cov lus piav qhia: Neomycin muaj cov kab mob muaj zog ntawm cov kab mob bacillus tsis zoo.Ib lub hauv paus siv tsis tshua muaj tshuaj lom thiab feem ntau yog ua rau hauv nws daim ntawv qub.Kev nqus tau tshwm sim thaum lub plab hnyuv tawm. yog kub lug los yog muaj kiav txhab. Cov Lus Qhia: Rau kev kho thiab tswj cov kab mob colibacillosis (kab mob enteritis) tshwm sim los ntawm Escherichia coli raug rau Ne ...
  • Menthol and Bromhexine Oral Solution

    Menthol thiab Bromhexine Qhov ncauj daws

    Bromhexine HCL thiab Menthol Qhov ncauj daws 2% + 4% Txheej Txheem: Txhua 1 ml muaj: Bromhexine HCL ………………… 20mg Menthol ………………………… ..40mg Kev taw qhia: Nws zoo heev li mucolytic expectorant uas ua rau kom muaj kev tso pa tawm thiab txo hauv viscosity vim yog cov hmoov sib xyaw ntawm (Menthol thiab Bromhexine). Nws kuj tau hais qhia kom kho tau cov tsos mob uas tshwm sim los ntawm kev ua pa ntawm txoj kev ua pa nyuaj xws li ua pa nyuaj thiab txham hauv Nqaij qaib. Nws yog qhov txiaj ntsig kom txo tau cov nyhuv ntawm pos ...
  • Enrofloxacin and Bromhexine Oral Solution

    Enrofloxacin thiab Bromhexine Qhov ncauj tshuaj

    Enrofloxacine thiab Bromhexine HCl daws qhov ncauj 20% + 1.5% Sib xyaw: 100ml muaj: Enrofloxacine ………………………… ..… ..20g Bromhexine HCl ………………………… ..1.5g Cov Muaj Nqis ad ………………………… ..100ml Cov Lus Qhia: Nws yog qhia tshwj xeeb rau kev kho mob kis kab mob ntawm cov nqaij qaib, ua los ntawm gram zoo cov kab mob, gram tsis zoo thiab / lossis mycoplasmas. Kev Siv thiab Siv: Siv rau qhov ncauj tswj hauv dej haus. Nqaij qaib: 25 ml ntawm cov khoom hauv 100 liv dej haus (10 mg / kg lub cev hnyav) ...